Scaling Ant Media Server to 70K Viewers – Mass Broadcasting

 Mass broadcasting in ultra low latency never be that much easy! Welcome back to our third article about scaling Ant Media Server to 70K viewers in less than a half-hour using the CloudFormation. If you missed the previous parts, we covered scaled up to 10K and 30K.

In this article, we’ll look at creating our 70K system for some use cases such as webinars conference room applications. Let’s get started.

Cost and Performance

Scaling WebRTC streaming is a powerful ability but it is in the grip of two factors you should consider; Cost and Performance. Each will attract you in the opposite direction. Thus you have to strike a balance between them.

You are going to need to decide what is the equilibrium point for your use case and the resources you have. If you already know that your use case this is a quick refresher: You can use WebRTC Cost Calculator to define your overall cost.

In the test environment, we are going to use the same number of Load Balancers and Databases, and only for this time, we’re going to increase the number of edge instances from 25 to 36, and the number of Loads instances from 30 to 60. Have a look at that here for a quick refresher.

Benchmark Conclusions for Mass Broadcasting

We announced the release of Ant Media 2.2. This is pretty exciting as the 2.2.1 version has a performance increase of around 30% and the average CPU value of edge instances is between 60-65%. Ant Media Server performs just as well as we expected and scales nicely with increased cluster size. Now you will able to achieve 2000 viewers on just a 32 CPU machine.

The first set of tests was run on a default setup plan for 10K – 30K use cases.

Mass Broadcasting Made Easy with Ant Media WebRTC Solution - 70K Unlocked! 1
Mass Broadcasting Made Easy with Ant Media WebRTC Solution - 70K Unlocked! 2

The performance is pretty respectable. As you will see in the next graph for the bigger test, we are going to increase the number of viewers to 70K. It seems that there is no even a single connection drop for the viewers. It’s exactly 70001.mass broadcasting

mass broadcasting

Here is the output of the monitor tool. It seems that there is no even a single connection drop for the viewers. It’s exactly 70001.

Mass Broadcasting Made Easy with Ant Media WebRTC Solution - 70K Unlocked! 3Here is the output of the dashboard.

Our next blog will be about how Ant Media Server will handle 100K. Stay tuned!
If you have any questions, please just drop a line to contact (at)

Original blog post: Mass Broadcasting Made Easy with Ant Media WebRTC Solution – 70K Unlocked!


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