Ultra-Low Latency Streaming Market Forecast

In this blog post, we will talk to you about the future market and the areas in which ultra-low latency streaming is used.

Video content has been getting a lot of love these past couple of years. Some of it is just for fun, but businesses are learning to rely on video to help them attract and engage an audience. It shouldn’t surprise you that there’s a need for faster, better, and more immediate video.

In live streaming, low latency critically influences the sense of immediacy of the video. Some types of live streams might need it more than others, but it’s still one of the key technical characteristics you need to understand about live streaming. So let’s see what ultra-Low latency Streaming is, when you need it, and how to achieve it.

Ultra-low latency streaming market

In other words, latency is the term given to the speed and consistency of real-time video streaming. In specific terms, it represents the delay between the video or content being produced, and the delivery of that content to the viewers’ streaming device.

The ‘ideal’ latency depends largely on the type of content being streamed and viewed.

Nowadays, you need ultra-low latency streaming products when it comes to your live streaming video application or various service. If you are a player looking for help in passing the level; hosting an online auction; or if you’re video chatting with a friend around the world, you need a stream in real-time as quickly as possible without the need for delays, buffers or dropouts.

Ultra-Low Latency Streaming Market Forecast 2019 – 2027

Ant Media Server provides ultra-low latency streaming using WebRTC protocol. The WebRTC protocol is preferred because it provides ultra-low latency in many areas. According to research, the global market was valued at $2.73 billion in 2019 and is projected to reach $45.91 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 41.7% from 2020 to 2027.  The global demand for WebRTC is expected to rise, largely due to a rise in its application in end-use sectors such as telecom, IT, e-commerce, and others.

In addition, 49% of the WebRTC market in 2018 is the mobile segment. The reason for this percentage is the increase in smartphone usage. The mobile segment is expected to expand at a significant growth rate during the forecast period. This is due to a rise in smartphone penetration and the preference of end-users for mobile platforms. one of the other important sectors is health. Health care is anticipated to be a rapidly expanding segment of the market. It is expected to expand at a CAGR of %21.9 during the forecast period.

Furthermore, in the health care industry, Patients and doctors are adopting WebRTC solutions in order to reduce their commute to the hospital also to improve mobility and device support. WebRTC solutions allow doctors and hospital staff to use collaboration suites everywhere to virtually treat patients. Additionally, WebRTC solutions provide customers with a click-to-call solution, which helps connect doctors and hospitals with patients. WebRTC solutions could be the first step in implementing a full electronic health system that can bring the doctor home.

In addition, in the end-user sense, the telecommunications industry dominates the WebRTC market. The Internet and app ecosystem have already driven disruption with VoIP, IM, and social networks taking consumer mindshare. WebRTC has brought bigger opportunities for the telecom industry. Traditional telecom players are confusing about reviewing obsolete business models and developing communications services and applications that meet real human needs. Media and entertainment, and others (energy and transportation) segments are also estimated to expand during the forecast period.

Let’s take a look at the ultra-low latency usage areas.

When is Low Latency Especially Required?

Let us look at the areas of live video streaming that are most affected by latency, and will benefit the most from ultra-low latency streaming solutions:


ultra low latency streaming in educationThe COVID-19 pandemic has created the largest disruption of education systems in history. The use of ultra-low latency streaming solutions in education now plays a crucial role in providing new and innovative forms of support to teachers, students, and the learning process more broadly.

Online Gaming

Online gaming streamingWhen participating in online gaming, ultra-low latency is more important, as delays, or buffering, will impair/frustrate the user experience significantly.

Auction Participation

ultra-low latency streaming on auction
When taking part in a live auction, users require ultra-low latency to ensure they can keep up with the bidding.

Live Events

low latency on live event streamingConsumer satisfaction can reduce dramatically and quickly if ultra-low latency streaming is not achieved when viewing a live event. This can be exacerbated if the discrepancy between differing end-user devices (such as desktop versus mobile) leads to one user receiving an inferior (delayed) experience compared to the other.

Video Conferencing

This type of interactive viewing must achieve low or ultra-low latency streaming to be viable and inclusive sop that remote contributions are in time with live events being discussed, or debated. This also applies to the online live chat scenario.
video conference demands ultra low latency

Any type of interactive online viewing platform, including the provision of tutorials, will strive for ultra-low latency streaming to ensure seamless interaction with a minimal delay that is unnoticeable to the viewer.

As providers of streaming services introduce more multi-protocol technologies, tools, and applications, the industry is beginning to see the emergence of more Ultra-Low Latency Streaming solutions.

Reference:Future of Ultra-Low Latency Streaming Market


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